no artist 'untitled (recorded Fall 2019)'
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Alla finestra - out the window
Migration to the window
The unfreedom inside the window
Alla finestra - out the window
Behold the convenience of a life's work
A cure to cure the valid
And laughter to distance ourselves from what we say
Which has anything but truth
And if any truth
It being only our exaggerations
The shadows of strange lives in the half light
Alla finestra - out the window
Remind us to forget
That answer
We are
Jealous of others
Rude to waiters
Dirty movies
For someone more composed than you
And a virtue more vile than sin
The beggar's one sided sociability
Our fawning
Our approbation
The Misers
Petrification is not indifference
“It is better to be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord”
We understand the arbitrary course of events
It hardens us
How can I surrender myself to so many at once?
Strange to wake the first morning I had died
I told myself
Out the window
Disguise the crime with observations
I'm in the lap of a corroding platitude
You cause me to know somewhat
The dead present between us
Petrified in unfreedom
Alive but not living
Alla finestra - out the window
A father's traits
“Good living”
Reduced to doses
Charms on my mother's chain
Everything for show
And somehow represent the sharpest details
Of the “real world”
Openings and cells
Tiny holes
But impenetrable
All at first glance